8 Main Types of Branding (And Where to Use Them)

branding kit of business cards, goodie bag, glass etc of a same brand

Branding began in the ancient history of humans to prevent theft. It has been a crucial part of a business; without it, major brands like Nike, Disney, or Coca-Cola would not have survived the ever-changing business landscape. 

The different types of branding is more than just logo design or creating a name. It can help you build customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales. 

ice cream branding mockups

So, if you really think about it – branding is actually one of your organization’s most important assets. And without it, the products or services you offer lack identity, blocking it from another essential asset: growth and development. 

You probably think that having a catchy logo or a clever tagline makes up 95% of your branding; well, that’s where you’re wrong. Though logos, slogans, or basically the physical image of your company atone for half of it, there are other things to consider to unlock the power of your business to stand out from the crowd. 

For instance, knowing where to use the 8 Main Types of Branding. Yes, you’ve read it right: Eight. To help you get started, this article will delve into the different types of branding and how each of them offers value to your business. 

CTA button with a text "make logo" on Logomakerr.AI

What are the 8 Different Types of Branding?

Without further ado, let’s delve into the eight main types of branding and explore how you can make the most of each:

  1. Product Branding

lot of businesses consider product branding as the process of creating a new identity for a standalone product. After all, an average individual only takes 2 seconds to form first impressions on your brand. No wonder why product branding is one of the most common and straightforward types of branding, and many new small businesses focus on it. 

Cultural branding questions for brand strategy in handwritten and paper

Where to use product branding?

Product branding can be used by businesses with industrial and B2B products for new product launches, rebranding, privately labeled products, advertising and promotion, market expansion, and partnerships with other companies. 

  1. Corporate Branding

Corporate branding is where organizations develop a compelling brand story to establish a strong, recognizable identity for the entire company. The story usually encompasses the company’s values, mission, and culture and aims to build trust and credibility with customers. 

Where to use corporate branding?

This type of branding can be used on business cards, websites, social media profiles, employee uniforms, product packaging, company vehicles, and other advertising materials that will showcase a strong and boosted presence of your brand. 

  1. Service Branding

Service-based businesses rely heavily on service branding. This type emphasizes the intangible aspects of a service, such as customer experience, reliability, and expertise. It is crucial for service providers to communicate the unique value they offer effectively. 

Where to use service branding?

Service branding can be used on your customer support service, billing, and invoices, online reviews, marketing collateral, or even in your staff training. As you can see, most companies that use service branding are big, but it can also be done for small businesses with websites and physical service centers. If your target audience includes businesses that rely on email communication (e.g., email marketing companies), expand the service branding to highlight email security as a key service aspect. Making use of DMARC MSP features will make the protect yours and your clients’ emails. 

  1. Personal Branding

Personal branding is centered around individuals rather than companies. It involves creating a strong personal identity and reputation to enhance career opportunities, attract clients or customers, and establish expertise in a particular field. Typically, personal branding is used by celebrities, influencers, key opinion leaders, public figures, or professionals.

Personal and cultural types of branding strategy questions in tear up blue paper

Where to use personal branding?

Social media profiles, networking events, appearances, resumes, professional headshots, and public speaking are some of the many ways you can showcase personal branding. 

  1. Cultural Branding

Cultural branding taps into the values, beliefs, and aspirations of a specific culture or subculture. It aims to create a deep emotional connection with the target audience by aligning the brand with their cultural identity. 

Where to use cultural branding?

You can use cultural branding regarding language, religious practices, traditions and customs, clothing, taste in art and music, or even food! With this in mind, we believe cultural branding is already the company’s nature. 

For instance, since its founding in 1971, Nike has served footwear, apparel, and equipment to those who love physical activities. Because of this, the famous tagline of Nike, Just Do It, is a trademark that signals an upward trajectory in sports. 

  1. Co-Branding

Co-branding involves collaborating with another brand to create a unique offering. This type of branding can help expand reach, tap into new markets, and leverage the strengths of both brands to create a more compelling value proposition. Though that may sound a little intricate, using a proposal creator would help you start the process.

Where to use Co-branding?

Businesses can utilize co-branding to multiple partnerships such as marketing campaigns, events and sponsorships, retail and influencer partnerships, affiliate marketing, strategic alliances, online collaborations, cross-promotions, and so much more! By using the power of the internet, the sky’s the limit to co-branding. 

  1. Online Branding

We can all agree that the digital age today makes it essential for businesses to incorporate online branding. It encompasses all aspects of a brand’s online presence, including website design, social media profiles, content marketing, and online advertising. Using a social media management tool can help streamline and enhance these efforts, ensuring a consistent and impactful brand image across all digital platforms.

Cultural branding with two people brainstorming and an ipad and pencils

Where to use online branding?

Online branding can be used on, but not limited to, social media profiles, SEO strategy, e-commerce platforms, online testimonials, content and email marketing, and the digital storefront of your business – a website. 

  1. Employee Branding

Last but not least is employee branding. This type of branding focuses on attracting and retaining top talent. It also involves showing off the culture, values, and opportunities your company can do to position itself as an employer of choice to many job seekers. 

Where to use employee branding?

Employee branding is typically used on mission and values, company culture, communication strategy, employee-employer relationship, corporate social responsibility, public relations, customer experience, and a distinctive logo or visual identity. 

These are the 8 Main Types of Branding, and we believe that once you get a hold of where and how to use each of them, a higher chance of getting the public’s eye is guaranteed.

Craft a Timeless Brand with A Free AI Logo Maker!

In the fast-paced digital world, where first impressions matter (in literally 2 seconds), having a strong and memorable brand is important. And at the heart of every great brand lies a captivating logo. Though crafting one can be a difficult task, particularly for those without a background in design, Logomakerr.AI is a tool that helps you create a logo to take a primary step in successful branding without cost. 

Create a logo now!
Use our logo maker to create a distinctive logo that conveys your brand’s values and differentiates you from competition.

Whether you’re a startup, a small business, or an individual in pursuit of being a creative professional, Logomakerr.ai empowers everyone to craft a branding that lasts.

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