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custom logo projects completed this week!
How does custom logo design work?
We have partnered with FreelanceLogoDesign.com to offer a very affordable custom logo design service. Just enter your logo design requirements and name your own price (minimum $50). Freelance logo designers from around the world will submit custom logo designs to your project within 24 hours. All you have to do is pick your winner to get the complete logo design files together with copyright ownership.
How many custom designs will I get?
This depends on your logo contest price and your design requirements. Our estimate is that you will get 1 custom design for every $5 of your price. After comparing many different custom logo design services, we’ve decided to partner with FLD because of their high quality service and affordable price.
What about logo copyright?
After declaring the winner, the copyright ownership of the winning design is transferred automatically from the designer to you. And you will be able to download the logo copyright certificate containing the winning design from your project page. All other non-winning design still belong to their respective designers.
What if I’m not happy with the designs provided?
If you are not happy with the custom logo options you receive, you can:
Re-list Project: For a payment of $20, your project will be reopened to get fresh design ideas from new freelance designers.
Request Refund: You can also click on the help icon and request for a refund. Please see FLD refund policy for more details.