6 Graphic Design Challenges to Overcome

logo graphic designer

Graphic designers are no strangers when facing difficulties in their line of work. Whatever your line of work is in the design industry – designing logo designs, creating animations, drawing sketches – the industry is already so competitive. So, failing to overcome graphic design challenges can be the difference between continuing your career as a […]

Graphic Design for Beginners (No Designing Skills & Experience)

basic graphic designer

Being a graphic designer means you can communicate in a visual language. From logo designing to billboards and websites to mobile apps or any other marketing materials, there is so much more a graphic designer of today’s era can do, including utilizing tools like an AI logo maker. However, for a beginner, graphic design can […]

How Much Does A Logo Design Cost To Hire Someone?

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More and more millennials are opting to enter the world of startups than join the workforce, and you can’t blame them. After all, there is a different sense of fulfillment in seeing a business you’ve built from the ground up grows. However, only some businesses thrive. It’s only possible if your business leaves an imprint […]

Why is Arial Font the Go-to Choice for Graphic Designers?

arial font in a dialog box in purple

Have you seen this type of font before? If you’re a font buff, you’ve likely heard of Arial font – a widely used typeface in graphic design. Arial is one of the most popular fonts in the world and is often considered the go-to font for graphic designers. It’s clean, easy to read, and versatile […]

What Makes an AI Logo Maker Different Than Graphic Designers?

Ai Logo Makers vs Graphic Designers - Featured Image

Logos are called ‘the business’ face’ for all the good reasons. It’s the first thing people see and probably one of the last things they will remember about your brand. Thus, it pays to take the time and invest in producing a great logo that will make an impression on prospect clients. However, logos should […]