How to Make a Mood Board? A Visual List of Ideas!

If you’re eager to bring your creative visions to life, a mood board is the perfect tool to help you translate your ideas into a tangible form. It’s not just a simple collage of scrapbooks back in high school. It’s a collage of inspiration that allows you to explore different possibilities, experiment with combinations, and […]
What is the Ideal Logo Size (For Every Marketing Material)?

Like most business owners, you’re always looking for ways to improve your marketing efforts. And if you’re thinking about redesigning your own logo, one of the questions you may have is, what are the ideal logo sizes? There are a few reasons why knowing the ideal logo sizes can be helpful. If you print out […]
3 Best Wolf Logo Designs For Any Wolf-Related Brands

You’re a business owner who wants to make a good impression on your clients. You’ve been thinking about making a new logo and decided that a wolf logo would be perfect for your business. But you don’t know where to start. That’s where this guide comes in. In it, we’ll talk about what wolf logos […]
7 Tips and Tools in Creating a Street Art Logo

Building a business is more than just earning massive revenue or creating more sources of income and profit. Businesses need a healthy financial status to keep running and operating, be it a street art logo or a professional looking one. However, the business dynamics have changed. Entrepreneurs and company leaders realize that successful businesses do […]
Logo Analysis: IKEA Logo Design

When you think of IKEA, what do you see? The blue-and-yellow logo is a very well-known trademark. It’s hard to imagine a time when IKEA didn’t have its own unique symbol or simple logo design. Ikea is a Swedish furniture store that was founded in 1943. The founder, Ingvar Kamprad, wanted to create a store that […]