10 Inspiring Letterhead Examples for Effective Branding


The market is crowded with competitors today, and that’s one of the grim realities you must face if you are a business owner. Nonetheless, there are many ways to make your brand stand out, and branding like logo designs and letterheads plays a crucial role in achieving that distinction. Branding is the process that creates […]

Exploring Mixed Branding: How Combining Multiple Brands Creates Stronger Identity

the apple and nike icon placed in venn diagram with red and black background accordingly.

Traditional branding strategies have long been the go-to approach for businesses looking to establish their presence and differentiate themselves in the market. But there is a fascinating alternative that is gaining traction – mixed branding. As businesses strive to differentiate themselves, mixed branding, with its unique logo design and brand identity, has emerged as a […]

Branding Vs Non Branding: Which Approach Is Right for Your Business?

branding vs non branding - featured image

Branding vs Non Branding. When you’re in the business for a while, you’ll know there’s a branding and non-branding approach. But what if you’re new to the industry and unsure of a white one to use for your newly-setup business? Just like any other choice in the world, each approach offers distinct advantages that can […]

15 Effective Marketing Materials (Printed and Digital)

branding kits envelope, note pad, pencil and eraser

Marketing is equivalent to brand promotion. The best way to promote your product or service, or even your brand alone, is through your own marketing materials like social media advertising, search engine optimization, and even logo design brandings. But in a world saturated with digital noise, it’s easy to overlook the enduring power of printed […]

The Role of Brand Storytelling in Logo Design

brand story telling on logo design

Every startup, business, company, and brand know that emotional connections are essential in every marketing strategy for building customer relationships and driving success. And what better way to make a connection is through storytelling? Brand storytelling and logo design are critical to a company’s branding strategy. A well-designed logo visually represents the essence of a […]

The Beauty of Minimalism: Creating A Simple Logo for Timeless Branding

simple logo

The saying “Simplicity is beauty” also applies in the logo industry. Would you believe simple logos are more memorable, eye-catching, and meaningful? They cut to the chase and provide people with the value behind their brand identity. That’s why for brands like Mcdonalds’, Nike, and Apple – their simple logos have become iconic and instantly […]