Whether along the streets or within a building, street art is a design trend popular for its imaginative and captivating characteristics.
Throughout the years, street art logo designs have been an avenue to raise awareness and deliver messages as creatively as possible. And it’s only been growing since!
However, this art form has yet to receive full public acceptance and approval. But it doesn’t stop designers around the world from expressing themselves through this design trend.
Until now, several big names have slowly started incorporating street art design elements into their works. You may even find a fashion piece, web logo, and much more, all inspired by the wonders of street design.
Let’s start by taking a quick look at a few well-known street art logo trends and their impact on the rest of the design industry.
What is Street Art, And Why Does Its Logo Matter?
Street art is public artwork displayed in outdoor areas such as streets, sidewalks, and other public places. It usually consists of graffiti, murals, stencils, stickers, wheat pastes, and other street-related artworks.

The main goal of most street artists is to deliver social or political messages through their art. They often use public spaces to showcase their work because it allows them to reach a wider audience.
It’s also great to stand out from the competition and make your brand more memorable.
However, before you start using street art elements in you logo design, it’s essential to understand street art further and get to know some of the world’s most famous street art designs!
A Quick Look at Street Art Logo Designs
The great thing about street art and graffiti logo designs is the broad range of works you can come across, always bringing along the element of surprise!
Here are a few names and works you may have already heard of or seen before, each with a unique reason for their popularity:
One name that never fails to come up during talks of street art is the anonymous Banksy, who’s been leaving traces of his work around the world for over 23 years.

Despite the simplicity of his art, it always carried wit and meaning that would later create a significant impact on society. As a result of the popularity, these works that were once considered vandalism have become sought-out pieces worldwide.
Keith Haring
Another name you’re sure to hear is Keith Haring, known for his technique of whipping up graffiti art and murals displaying bright, artificial colors despite portraying more profound messages.

In a way, it attracts an audience for having fun imagery while symbolizing his response to serious themes.
The Lennon Wall
Many famous street works come from the contribution of several artists, both known and new. One of these includes the Lennon Wall.

It started with a portrait of John Lennon and turned into a mural for the icon. Now, it’s a symbol of liberty and creativity. Artists continue to decorate the wall with messages of politics and peace, much like the meaning behind the Beatles’ songs.
Common Qualities of Street Art Designs
One of the reasons artists choose street art is the freedom it comes with, as opposed to its other counterparts.
There are indeed no rules or limits when making a street art logo design. But even graffiti follows a consistent style that’s sure to make you think “it’s street art” in one look!
An example is matching big bubble or block lettering with a small decorative or neat script. It also usually displays vibrant logo colors, loud imagery, explosive shapes and patterns, or even minimal, straightforward illustrations.
What most street art logo works have in common is the ability to get a passerby to stop and stare, which is exactly what brands and designers from around the world aim to achieve.
Street Art’s Impact on Modern Graphic Design
In modern times, even performers and designers worldwide have created works heavily inspired by street art logo designs and trends. It’s safe to say graffiti has somewhat become a concept in the world of art.
Now, individuals would make an art logo showcasing elements of graffiti, from text to color, to present their ideas in extraordinary means.
With music, street art logo trends are commonly associated with hip-hop styles, primarily because their roots stem from street culture. But as it spread out in the industry, artists began to think outside the box to find ways to incorporate the concept into their works.
You may have also seen restaurants and buildings decorated with street art logo designs, usually with the same intention as typical street art -to deliver messages and market identities and beliefs.
Even cartoons and characters apply the principles of street art logo trends as a form of personality and spirit.
The Connection Between Street Art Logo Design and Brand Identity
Street art slowly made its way to bigger scenes that involved huge brands and corporations. You might know a couple of company and brand names: Coca-Cola, MTV, Kaws, and more!
Sometime after the 2000s, brands and companies used the media to market their products in the form of street art logo designs featuring their goods. It allowed companies to expand their branding while building stronger consumer connections.
Companies would do this by hiring designers to create works with their products or collaborating with creators to promote their goods in street art logo styles. In a way, it also improved advertising impact and established a more distinct brand identity.
Likewise, other brands used street art logo trends as their primary brand, purely creating works and products influenced and created with graffiti elements.
Street Art as a Revolutionary Change in Design
The rise of street art logos trends had one of the most significant impacts on the design industry. It allowed artists and brands to develop a stronger sense of individuality with their works, especially to tie symbolism and imagery into artistic forms.
Even with all the changes in design in recent years, the trend grown from simple street art logo designs continues to advance into broader-ranged fields, reaching larger audiences. Although it is yet to achieve complete approval, there’s no denying it’s made its mark on the world.
For some, street art logo design is an illicit and illegal activity. But for others, it’s a form of self-expression and creativity that knows no bounds!
But as a street designer or a brand that sells street art products and services? How would you able to create a brand identity with this style?
Instant Logo Design might help you with that! Don’t you need any design or artistic experience to get the output? Not necessarily.
Our whole team created an Ai-powered based logo maker that will allow you and the rest of your brand enjoy a street logo design that you will definitely love!