You might have already heard that abstract logo designs are all the rage, and you want to learn more about them to make an informed decision about whether or not to use one for your business.
One of the common challenges people have when it comes to abstract logo designs is that they don’t know all there is to know about them.
This can lead to confusion and frustration, as people may not know how to create an abstract logo or use one effectively (even if you are using a free logo generator).
Additionally, some people may not understand the benefits of using an abstract logo and think a more traditional logo design would be a better option for their business.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through what an abstract logo is and how you can use this kind of logo design to send your brand message across to your target audience effectively.
What is an Abstract Logo Design?
An abstract logo is a type of logo that uses shapes, colors, and symbols representing a company or brand in question.
These logos offer a few logo variations and are often used by businesses that want to create a unique and memorable logo that stands out from the competition.
There are many benefits to using this type of logo. One of the main advantages is that it can be very versatile, and brands can use an abstract logo in various contexts and across different marketing materials.
And since it’s not based on any real-world object, it can be difficult for competitors to copy. This can give your business a unique edge in the marketplace.
Different types of abstract logo designs
There are many different types of abstract logos and multiple abstract design techniques.
Some of the most common types include geometric abstract logos, symmetrical abstract logos, dynamic abstract logos, abstract logos with deeper meanings, line art, illustrative, and combination abstract logos.
Let’s check them out one by one.
Symmetrical abstract logos
As the name suggests, symmetrical abstract logos use shapes that are mirror images of each other. This type of logo often has a balanced and professional look. Symmetrical abstract logos can easily recognize and work well in various contexts.
Abstract logos with geometric shapes
Geometric abstract logos use basic shapes like squares, circles, and triangles. These shapes are then put together to create a more complex design.

Geometric abstract logos often have clean and simple lines and minimal abstract icons, which can easily be remembered and work well in small sizes.
Dynamic abstract logos
Dynamic abstract logos are characterized by their energy and movement. This type of logo often uses shapes that are in motion or appear to be moving.
Dynamic abstract logos can be eye-catching and memorable, and they can be a good choice for businesses that want to convey a message of action or excitement.
Abstract logos with deeper meanings
Some abstract logos convey a more profound meaning beyond the company or brand name. These logos often use symbols or colors associated with certain concepts or ideas. For example, an environmentally friendly company may use a green abstract logo to convey this message.
Abstract Illustration

Illustrative abstract logos use more detailed drawings or illustrations. This type of logo can be eye-catching and memorable. Illustrative abstract logos often take longer to create than other types of abstract logos.
Abstract line art
Abstract line art is an abstract logotype that uses thin lines to create an image. This type of logo does a lot of abstract line work, is flowy and memorable for your target audience, and works well in small sizes. Line art logos often have a minimalistic look.
Combination abstract logos combine two or more different types of abstract logos. For example, a combination logo may use geometric shapes and line art. This type of logo can be versatile and may be able to convey multiple messages at once.
Choosing the right type of abstract logo design
There is no “right” type of abstract logo. The best kind of logo for your business will depend on your specific needs and goals. When choosing an abstract symbol, consider the following:

- What message do you want to convey?
- What type of image do you want to create?
- How much time and money are you willing to spend on logo creation?
- What type of business are you in?
- What type of customer are you trying to reach?
- How will you be using your logo?
If you’re not sure which type of abstract logo is right for you, consider working with a professional logo designer. Logo designers can help you create a logo that reflects your brand and meets your specific needs.
How to create an abstract logo design
If you want to create a logo design, there are a few tips you can follow to help you get started.
First, think about what you want your logo to represent. Once you have a clear idea of what you want your logo to say about your company, you can start brainstorming ideas for shapes, colors, and symbols that you can use in your design.
When it comes to creating the logo, there are a variety of software programs that you can use.
Adobe Illustrator is a popular choice for creating vector-based graphics, while Photoshop is ideal for creating raster-based graphics. However, several online tools and services like Logo Maker AI can help you make an abstract logo design quickly and easily.
Tips for using an abstract logo design
Once you have created your abstract logo, you can follow a few tips to ensure it effectively conveys your brand message.
First, make sure the overall design is simple and easy to understand. You don’t want your logo too cluttered or busy, which could confuse your target audience.

Additionally, ensure the colors and fonts you choose complement each other well and create a cohesive look and feel. An abstract logo’s use of color can influence how your customers interpret an otherwise ambiguous shape.
Keeping the right color scheme in mind will help it have more depth and dimension.
And lastly, always test your logo in different contexts before making it final. Make sure it looks good when printed on paper or embroidered on a shirt, for example.
Over to you!
Abstract logos are often some of the most memorable and visually stunning designs. You can use them in various industries to significant effect, and they’re easy enough to create that any business can take advantage of their benefits.
If you want to create an abstract logo for your business, follow our tips for the best results. And when it comes to standing out from the competition, there’s no better way to do it than with an eye-catching abstract logo.